About me

My name is Joshua on the trails I go by OmPi and this a chronicle of my life's adventures.
Track OmPi
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There are certain days you just know are going to be great. When your day begins with Trail magic in the form of sausage and spanish rice bu...
There are certain days you just know are going to be great. When your day begins with Trail magic in the form of sausage and spanish rice burritos and a beer for Freefall from a guy named Chuck Wagon you know this is going to be one of those days. We lingered a little too long but who can pass up delicious Trail Magic?
The hike was thought to be a fairly easy 4 mile slight uphill and then descent. I don't know if it was the weight of the burrito or the anticipating an easy day but that hike was harder than I ever expected. We arrived late to the Gap and missed the shuttle, no big deal we will hitch. There must be an art of hitching, namely having a lady do it, to ensure a quick pickup. Freefall and I struggled for a bit before a trail angel Peggy picked us up. She was kind and brought us to the Budget Inn.
There we connected with the hikers who were right ahead of us so it was good to see people you started with are not near as far away as you expect. They shipped out and we settled in before heading to Outdoor 76 to get my resupply and grab a beer at their tap room.
Huge thanks to Auto Precision of Naples for sponsoring my resupply box. Carlo the owner is an incredible guy, anytime I have had an issue with my vehicle I know I can count on the guys at auto precision to take good honest care of me and my vehicle. Your support means the world!
We made our way over to the Lazy Hiker Brewing Co for some lunch and beers. This place just opened a little less than a year ago and they put out some amazing beer for being so new. Alex the beer tender took incredible care of us and the guys at Fork in the Road Food Truck put out some banging good food. This stop alone made the trip into Franklin a worthwhile visit.
We ended up spending a little too much time at the brewery since all of our hiking bubble showed up at different times. The pinnacle of the time there was the Giant Jenga game that half way through someone mentioned whoever topped the tower had to buy the next round. Sure enough you can count on the Birthday Boy, Freefall, to topple it. The time at the brewery ended with some passionate slightly intoxicated political discussions that a few of the locals KC and Aaron joined in on. We were finally asked to leave an hour after closing. We were "those people."
KC and Aaron asked the group if they could give us a ride back to the Budget Inn where the night continued in the parking lot or Car Park if you are the Royal Couple. Hiker midnight came and went and actual midnight hit so those staying (Sarah & Isla, and the Brits) at the hostel down the road headed out and we started to settle down. It wasn't 15 minutes later that they were back because they couldn't find their way home. I looked up their hostel and walked them back. When I got back I crashed hard.
The night was fun for a celebration but I was already antsy to get back on the trail. I find I never sleep as good in town so was ready to head out get some miles in and sleep the night through. Much love to all.
OmPi ( ॐ π )
My name is Joshua on the trails I go by OmPi and this a chronicle of my life's adventures.