The more I read accounts of other people on the trail I realize that everyone has their "Why" or is at least seeking a Why for...

Why OmPi, Why?

The more I read accounts of other people on the trail I realize that everyone has their "Why" or is at least seeking a Why for their hike. As AWOL mentioned in the first pages of his book (AWOL on the Appalachian Trail) it is rare for someone to have a definitive concisely articulate why. So it goes with me. My why is one that I cannot explain. As I have mentioned before, my life is not in a bad place, actually quite the opposite is true. Unlike many I am not at a crossroads in my life having recently graduated, I've not been laid off from a job, I've never been in the military, I'm not recently separated or anything else. My why is not entirely answered but here are a few things that I do know about my why.
  1. I recently had a brush with death and that challenged me to live more in the present and live more free.
  2. The adventure and accomplishment of hiking the Trail has been in my mind for over 10 years.
  3. Looking at today's world of perpetual connectivity with electronics and others, I crave to disconnect and commune with nature, myself and the divine.
  4. I'm a bit of a starter and often not a finisher and I would like to prove to myself that I can and will finish this great task.
  5. If not NOW, then WHEN?
  6. Nature often feels more at home, though not always as comfortable, to me.
  7. The Trail is calling out to me, in my thoughts, my dreams, my goals and aspirations.
  8. While I cannot put my finger on it, I believe there is something to be learned, something specific to my life, something that will change everything about me and help me have a greater Positive Impact on this world and my life that can only come from this venture.
I want to hear from you:
What is/was your why? Do/Did you have one?
If on the trail or having completed the trail, how important is the why in sustaining?
If planning, how much of a role does your why have on your preparations?
If off the trail did you have a why? If so, what was it and how did you deal with your why when getting off the trail?
Also for everyone, does your why still drive you to want to get back on the trail or complete other dreams/goals?

-OmPi (ॐ π)

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